After four and half years, six reported decisions, three trips to the Court of Appeal and 27 days of trial, the High Court of Justice has today dismissed in its entirety Mr Shah and his wife’s claim for over US$300m against HSBC Private Bank (UK) Limited. This is a landmark decision that confirms a bank’s […]
Businesses in Northern Ireland are invited to a free one day conference on Tuesday 22 September 2009 to learn how to safeguard themselves against serious organised crime and money laundering.
The event, organised by the Asset Recovery Working Group ‘Payback’ Team, and hosted by the Organised Crime Task Force (OCTF) and SOCA’s UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU) is aimed at small and medium sized businesses in Northern Ireland who are covered by the Money Laundering Regulations 2007.
A SAR should be made as soon as the knowledge or suspicion that criminal proceeds exist has arisen, especially if consent may be required, or at the earliest opportunity thereafter.
POCA is the UK’s primary money laundering legislation.
Chapter 7 sets aout the predicate offences of money laundering applicable to all, S327 Conceals, S328 Arrangement and S329 and Aquires.
The ML Regulations are the UK’s secondary legislation in the AML/CFT regime. they where first introduced in 1993 and the 2007 Regulations are just the latest version.