20.01.11 UK identity cards can no longer be used to confirm identity under MLR

20.01.11 UK identity cards can no longer be used to confirm identity under MLR

Under the Money Laundering Regulations businesses need to carry out customer due diligence on their customers. This involves asking to see documentary evidence of a customer’s identity.

Since November 2008 the UK Borders Agency (UKBA) has issued an ID card to migrants from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). From 21 January 2011 this form of identity will no longer be valid. If you are carrying out customer due diligence on or after that date you should not accept an ID card issued by the UKBA as proof of identity under the Money Laundering Regulations.

Acceptable forms of documents, data or information will still include passports and photographic driving licences, as well as a range of other paper based evidence, as well as electonic verification reports